Cloud Based Occupational Hygiene

Management Reporting Solution

Created by the mining industry for the mining industry

Cloud Based Occupational Hygiene

Cloud based occupational hygiene management solution

Track and manage airborne pollutant and noise sampling

Responsive across various devices

OHMAN is your partner in occupational hygiene sampling program management

 specifically designed for the South African mining industry

Manage your occupational hygiene sampling programme in real time with OHMAN

Created by the mining industry for the mining industry.

Our Story

Occupational hygiene programme management has lagged behind the fourth industrial revolution, while sampling equipment and real time monitoring has progressed the management of sampling programs were still stuck in the 1990’s.  The norm of the day was to track and manage sampling data through multiple and sluggish spreadsheets or for bigger companies to have big and bureaucracy plagued management programs.  

With the new quality MCOP expected, the need for a more efficient and pro-active way of tracking exposure data was identified.  OHMAN was created to streamline and pro-actively track sampling data, to ensure timeous decisions and management of airborne and noise exposure risks.  OHMAN is a progressive (ever evolving) Occupational hygiene module that takes its cues for development directly from the mining industry and regulatory legal changes.


Create HEGs and allocate occupations to HEGs

Capture personal sampling data using your mobile device

Sampling data updated in real time to database

Track and access data from anywhere in the world

Generate individual sample reports and export to PDF

Statistical analysis of HEGs or group of samples

Export audit reports for HEGs and sample groups

Manage filter stock and tracking of filters

Here's whats in
store for the future

Contact us for a no obligation DEMO


Yes, this system allows for multiple sites and clients, each with their own site logistical details.

Yes, individual and audit batch reports can be exported in PDF format and printed.

Yes, the system is cloud based and can be accessed through a web browser or via a downloadable app.

The 2006 OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS FOR AIRBORNE POLLUTANTS table is used as reference for the pollutant exposure limits.

The system is cloud based and the updates are done regularly, however the system updates are done automatically so no need for additional installations or down time.